The Shame Borne In Silence

Author: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D.
Publisher: Mirkov Publications, Inc.

Spouse Abuse In The Jewish Community

Soft cover

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Now, for the first time, a direct address to the problem of spouse abuse in the Jewish community! We can no longer permit ourselves to deny the existence of this terrible crime - the time has come to confront the truth and take definitive steps to end this violation of all that Judaism represents. A leading rabbi and psychiatrist reveals what have been closely kept dark secrets in many Jewish families. He offers urgently needed advice and direction.

"It is disturbing yet essential to discuss this tragedy. The relationship between husband and wife is one which should invite the Shechina, the Divine Presence, which radiates joy throughout the home. How tragic when this joy is replaced with the tears of strife and abuse."

Rabbi Avraham Pam, Rosh Yeshiva, Mesifta Torah Vodaath
(from an address to a rabbinic assembly, May 1, 1996)

Price: $16.95

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