Let My Nation Be Warned

Author: Rabbi Yosef Deutsch
Publisher: Feldheim

Product Description
Once again, Rabbi Yosef Deutsch answers these and other questions using his matchless talent of blending midrashim and other sources to afford us a fuller understanding of the events that make up the amazing Book of Yonah.

Discover the background leading up to Yonah’s divine charge to rebuke the people of Nineveh. Travel the sea with the prophet and be privy to its secrets. Understand the mystery of the kikayon. Find out why Yonah’s prophecy to this non-Jewish nation was really a warning for the Jewish people. And most important, strengthen your understanding.

Here is Rabbi Deutsch at his best: descriptive, lively, detailed, entertaining,relevant. Eighth in the "Let My Nation" series, this volume delves into fundamental issues of Jewish thought, such as reward and punishment, divine providence, free will, and repentance. Culled from Talmudic and Midrashic sources, Let My Nation Be Warned highlights Hashem’s caring hand in the affairs of nations — and in our daily lives.

Price: $16.99

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