Buy Green Bananas

Author: Rabbi Berel Wein
Publisher: Shaar Press

Observation on self, family, life

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Many of us go through life and see a lot, but perceive very little. Rabbi Wein observes a bunch of green bananas or two armfuls of loaded shopping bags and discerns a blueprint for more enjoyable, more productive living. Through his forty-eight concise essays on topics ranging from counting your blessings to trying new things to knowing how to argue effectively, Rabbi Wein distills the best of his many careers as a rabbi, lawyer, rosh yeshivah, historian, teacher and lecturer into scores of keen and cogent observations. The chapters in this book will amuse, enlighten, provoke and inspire. Don’t be left out, this book is a treat! ISBN 1578194768 Paperback

Price: $7.99

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