The Life-Transforming Diet

Author: David J. Zulberg
Publisher: Feldheim

Health & Psychological Principals of Maimonides.

Product Description
Experience an inner and outer transformation with David Zulberg's The Life-Transforming Diet. This simple, practical and anything-but-boring program is more than merely a diet. It is a lifestyle that you can live with, because you are empowered to choose what to eat - and when to eat it. Based on the wisdom of Maimonides (Rambam), one of the greatest Jewish sages who ever lived and the outstanding doctor of his time, the Life-Transforming Diet will give you the tools for optimum emotional and physical health, a more spiritual outlook and sustainable weight loss, no matter what your age, gender or occupation.

The Life-Transforming Diet offers you:

- gradual, step-by-step implementation of a new approach to eating: you don't go cold turkey - theoretical and practical information, including insights into how we form bad habits and tips for laying the foundation for new, better ones - a simple, quick and well-rounded exercise program that doesn't require a financial commitment - a do-it-yourself support system that takes only a few minutes a day - advice for Shabbos and other dieting challenges - an intelligent and realistic maintenance program

Price: $22.50

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