The Way Of Flame

Author: Avram Davis
Publisher: Jewish Lights Publishing

A Guide to the Forgotten Mystical Tradition of Jewish Meditation

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Product Description
Open your soul to the sweetness of Jewish mysticism. Discover and explore the mystical path of Jewish meditation.

With passion and humor, this powerful general guide incorporates philosophy and story with ideas for daily living--including suggestions for setting up your own meditative practice. Emphasizing the need for joy and community in meditation, Davis invites you to wander this extraordinary and compelling path of the heart--hitlahavut, the way of flame.

Davis combines traditional teachings and his own unorthodox experience, including a stint as a mendicant monk ("though in a Jewish sort of way") at a Catholic abbey in southern California, to offer a fresh and reinvigorated understanding of the spirit of Jewish meditation.

"A remarkable exploration of a hidden side of Judaism. . . . Entertaining, provocative, required reading for anyone interested in authentic Jewish mysticism."
- Rabbi David A. Cooper,
Author of God Is a Verb and
A Heart of Stillness:
A Complete Guide to Learning the Art of Meditation

Price: $15.95

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