Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss on the Yamim Noraim

Author: Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
Publisher: Judaica Press

Powerful guidance for growth and fulfillment

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
As the high holidays approach, everything hangs in the balance -- your family, your livelihood, your health, even your life. With so much riding on it, you can’t afford to ignore this book.

Rabbi Weiss -- whose daily and weekly shiurim inspire and instruct tens of thousands of Jews worldwide -- offers priceless wisdom to help you approach the Yamim Noraim in the right frame of mind and with the proper preparations. This book will help you make the most of this significant time of year, starting from Rosh Chodesh Elul, through Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and ending with Sukkos.

In addition to many eye-opening pieces that focus in depth on particular aspects of the Yamim Noraim, the book also features “Forty Days, Forty Ways,” a step-by-step guide to personal improvement with a daily suggestion for change and growth for each of the forty days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur.

Hardcover | 6" x 9" | 216 pages

Price: $17.95

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