Lamed Vav

Author: Tzlontana Barbara Midlo
A collection of the favorite stories of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Product Description
"Stories seem simple, they seem just to be giving over a tale, an event...
But as we listen or read, we realize that stories have many levels, many layers of meaning...
And while we wrestle with their meanings, stories - mamash without our even realizing it - enter into the deepest depths of our being where other forms of teaching can't reach.
There they begin to do their holy work. The open up our closed places, they wake up our imagination...
And - gevalt, gevalt! Something new begins to happen inside us.
Stories fill us with new light - and new life..."
From the Introduction: "A little more light from the Sun -- R. Shlomo on Storytelling."

Price: $30.99

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