Letters of Light

Author: Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin
Publisher: Sichos In English

The Alef-Bet letters, and their design, Gematriah, and meanings.

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Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so G-d utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the alef-beis, to form heaven and earth.

These letters are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails, cornerposts and crossbeams of our earthly existence.

In Letters of Light, Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin explores the essence of these holy letters, illustrating how they continue to be a source of creation, reflection, prayer and inspiration in our everyday lives.

Each letter is examined in terms of its design, its gematriah (numerical value) and its Hebrew meaning. Rabbi Raskin's insights are themselves guided by the rich foundations of Chassidic philosophy and particularly by the illuminations of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe.

The result is a unique and insightful exposition of how the twenty-two letters of the alef-beis can provide wisdom and guidance for every aspect of our lives.

Price: $22.50

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