Tomer Devorah with English Translation

Author: R' Moshe Cordovero
Publisher: Tomer Publications

Pocket Sized 4¾" x 6¾", Leatherette cover

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
"Whereas this honored work is entirely devoted to fear of Heaven and accepting upon oneself the yoke of His Kingship Blessed is He, and to emulating His attributes; surely, one who studies this work regularly and fulfills its teachings attains for himself a stature of being able to go among the everlasting angels of God, and he will merit both this world and the World to Come which is entirely good. Take note of who authored this honored work, the G-dly, holy personage, who illuminates the entire universe with his wisdom and piety, our master and teacher, R' Moshe Cordovero of blessed memory..."

From the approbation of the Shela HaKadosh we get an appreciation of the stature of the author, R' Moshe Cordovero, and the awe in which his sefer, Tomer Devorah was held.

Tomer Devorah, written in 5349 - 1588 ce, is based on the premise that it is proper for Man to emulate his Creator. As such the seferbegins by defining the "13 Attributes of Mercy", and then continues through ten chapters in explaining how these apply to Man.

This handsome new edition, with a clear, easy to read print, features an english translation by Rabbi Dov Fink, is divided in sections so that it can be finished each month.

Price: $11.99

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