, the chassid who would not succumb, neither in times of tranquility nor in times of upheaval. He was driven his whole life by uncompromising adherence to truth, unlimited devotion and attachment to the Gerrer Rebbes and their teachings, and commitment to disseminating Torah and enhancing its supremacy in Jewish communities. Beginning in Zelov, Poland, through the abysmal darkness of the Holocaust, and during his last fifty years in Los Angeles, he tirelessly convened assemblages to promote pure Torah education and unadulterated Torah life.

In this book we read of the chassid who lost his family in the Holocaust, yet never lost his faith and hope. Even in the shadow of death in the ghettos and concentration camps he dispelled the darkness with his blazing fire, "the eternal flame" of Torah dissemination and exactitude in obsevance of mitzvos.

Reading The Eternal Flame will kindle within us warmth and inspiration and strengthen us with unquenchable faith. We will witness how the fire of chassidus is an eternal fire, unconditionally blazing with a burning heat and brilliant light - "an eternal flame which shall never be extinguished".">
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Home > Books > History
The Eternal Flame - R' Yaakov Yitzchak Pik, zt''l 
Publisher: Yeshiva L'Tzeirim Ner Yisrael D'Chasidei Gur

The Chassid Who Would Not Succumb

Orthodox Orthodox

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Product Description
This is the wondrous story of the gaon and chassid R' Yaakov Yitzchak Pik, zt"l, the chassid who would not succumb, neither in times of tranquility nor in times of upheaval. He was driven his whole life by uncompromising adherence to truth, unlimited devotion and attachment to the Gerrer Rebbes and their teachings, and commitment to disseminating Torah and enhancing its supremacy in Jewish communities. Beginning in Zelov, Poland, through the abysmal darkness of the Holocaust, and during his last fifty years in Los Angeles, he tirelessly convened assemblages to promote pure Torah education and unadulterated Torah life.

In this book we read of the chassid who lost his family in the Holocaust, yet never lost his faith and hope. Even in the shadow of death in the ghettos and concentration camps he dispelled the darkness with his blazing fire, "the eternal flame" of Torah dissemination and exactitude in obsevance of mitzvos.

Reading The Eternal Flame will kindle within us warmth and inspiration and strengthen us with unquenchable faith. We will witness how the fire of chassidus is an eternal fire, unconditionally blazing with a burning heat and brilliant light - "an eternal flame which shall never be extinguished". 

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