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Home > Books > Mussar
Entering The Orchard 
Author: Hacham Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad
Publisher: Feldheim Publications, Israel

The Ben Ish Hai on how to succeed in Torah study

Orthodox Orthodox

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Product Description
The BEN ISH HAI ANTHOLOGY offers a select translations of Otzrot Hayyim, a thirty-five volume encyclopedia of the writings of H. Yosef Hayyim, published by Yeshivat Ahavat Shalom of Jerusalem. Each volume of Otzrot Hayyim is a collection of the Ben Ish Hai's teachings on a specific topic, such as Torah, Prayer, Repentance, and the Jewish Holidays. In the BEN ISH HAI ANTHOLOGY, these teachings have been made available to the English-speaking public for the first time.

In this Volume, ENTERING THE ORCHARD, the Ben Ish Hai explains that mastery of Torah requires much more than diligent study. Our Sages list forty-eight qualities essential to this goal, including perfection of self through joy, humility, respect for others, and much more. The Ben Ish Hai provides insight into these important elements in character development, while presenting practical guidelines for understanding, remembering and teaching Torah.

Hacham Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad (1833-1909) was one of the most brilliant and prolific Sefardic sages of his time. Best known for his halachic work, the Ben Ish Chai, he wrote over seventy books on all areas of Torah study, from responsa to mussar to Kabbalah. He was the undisputed leader of Sefardic Jewry, and his work remains one of the major influences on the Torah world today.
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