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Home > Holidays > Pesach (Passover) > Haggadahs & Books
A Family Haggadah 
Author: Shoshana Silberman
Publisher: Kar-Ben Publishing

Illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn
64 pp. 6 x 9 All ages
Stay-Flat Paperback

Conservative Conservative

List Price: $4.95

Original Haggadah $4.95
Family Haggadah II $4.95
Family Haggadah II - Large Print $6.95
Family Haggadah II - & CD $19.99

Gift Item
Product Description

Kar-Ben Publishing's Family Haggadahs -- the original and Family Haggadah II -- which sold over 60,000 copies last year, continue to be a favorite choice for family and congregational seders, including special seders for singles and senior citizens. The seder service (which is the same in both versions) is easy to follow, includes all essential rituals, and is written in language that is clear and contemporary.

How are they different?

The original Family Haggadah includes words to several favorite children's songs and commentary and questions geared to young children. The Birkat Hamazon (grace after meals) is abbreviated.

The Family Haggadah II has no children's songs, and the commentary is geared towards teens and adults. The service includes a full Birkat Hamazon (grace after meals). Family Haggadah II also comes in a large print edition for seder leaders and people with vision problems.

Also available is SONGS FOR FAMILY SEDER
Cantor Robert Freedman and Princeton Jewish center students 45 minutes. All ages.
Recordings of the songs from A Family Haggadah

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