Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Author: Rabbi Yisroel Dov Webster
Publisher: C.I.S. Publishers

A Comprehensive Annotated Presentation of the Laws & Customs

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Can I drive to the hospital just before the end of Shabbos if the baby will be born after Shabbos?
Is induction of labor sanctioned by halacha?
Can we name our son before his bris, if the bris will be delayed a long time?
The obstretician suggests performing amniocentesis to check for birth defects, does halacha sanction this?

Rabbi Yisroel Dov Webster's Yad LeYoledes: The Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth is the ultimate guide to all these issues.

For the layman and scholar alike.

Price: $26.99

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