DNA & Tradition

Author: Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman
Publisher: Devora Publishing

The Genetic Link to The Ancient Hebrews

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description

Did the Twelve Tribes of Israel really exist? Are the scattered groups of modern Jews really the direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews of the Bible? This extraordinary book chronicles the latest discoveries in the cutting-edge field of Molecular Population Genetics that add empirical evidence and scientific confirmation to Biblical tradition.

The areas that are analyzed include:

The Discovery of the “Cohen Gene”
DNA Tests of Tradition
Confirming the Origin of World Jewry
Discovering the Genetic Matriarchs
Abraham’s Chromosome Signature

About the Author
Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman is director of The Center for Kohanim (Jews of Priestly origin), which is dedicated to raising awareness and preparedness among today’s Kohanim. The Center, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, maintains the website: www.Cohen-Levi.org. Sparked by the discovery of the “Cohen Gene”, Rabbi Kleiman began researching the new science of molecular population genetics – the tracking of peoples’ history through DNA. This book presents a summary of the fascinating findings and their possible implications.

“Recent work from genetics labs has validated the Biblical record of a Semitic people who chose a Jewish way of life several thousand years ago. These observations are the biological equivalent to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.”

Dr. Harry Ostrer
Chairman of the Human Genetics Program
at the NYU School of Medicine
“A remarkable example of the synthesis of a large body of complex scientific work, formulated within the framework of scholarship in Jewish history and Biblical tradition.”
Professor Karl Skorecki,
Director of the Rappaport Research Institute,
and Director of Nephrology at Rambam Medical Center,
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Price: $19.95

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