Gifts of a Stranger

Author: Ahuva Gray
Publisher: Targum Press

A Convert's Round-the-World Travels and Spiritual Journeys

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Ten years ago Ahuva Gray entered her community in Bayit Vegan - and the Jewish people - as a stranger. Today this African-American convert to Judaism, author of My Sister, the Jew, is a beloved speaker, respected and admired in Jewish communities throughout the globe, traveling worldwide to inspire her fellow Jews to appreciate their heritage and to tap into the power and meaning of Jewish prayer.

In her newest book, Gifts of a Stranger, Ahuvah brings us gifts - the gift of her spirituality, the gift of psalms that she learned from her grandmother, the daughter of Mississippi sharecroppers, the gift of her deep faith in Divine providence. She shares wondrous insights into the timeless words of King David, and stories, both humorous and poignant, of her encounters with the Jewish world during her far-flung travels to communities in Hong Kong, South Africa, Gibraltar, Europe, and North America.

Once a stranger, Ahuvah is now a daughter of Israel. Her very special gift to her people is her willingness and ability to share her growth and maturity as a Jewish woman in her new book, Gifts of a Stranger.

Price: $16.49

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