The Brisker Rav, Volume 3

Author: Rabbi Shimon Yosef Meller
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
The third volume of this comprehensive, well-researched biography provides a wealth of information on the Brisker Rav's life in Eretz Yisrael from 1950 until 1956. During these years he disseminated his astounding Torah and nurtured countless talmidim - in tandem with his uncompromising stand and battles against drafting women and grave desecration, both of which were the bane of chareidi Jewry in Eretz Yisrael at that time. In addition, this volume contains chapters outlining the Brisker Rav's perspective on child rearing, emunah and, for the first time, the "Zionist dream" and its demise.

Price: $27.99

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