The Garden of Gratitude

Author: Rabbi Shalom Arush
Publisher: Distributed by Feldheim

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
This is the English-language version of the Hebrew ‘She'arav B'toda’, a book that has become immensely popular in Israel. Rabbi Shalom Arush is the internationally- acclaimed author and spiritual guide known best for his best-selling ‘The Garden of Emuna’ which has sold over a million copies.

The Garden of Gratitude explains how to make a quantum leap in your personal and spiritual growth - through gratefulness! The attribute of gratitude is a prerequisite to true happiness and success in all of our interpersonal relations, especially marriage. If life seems to be like a brick wall or a dead end, then learning to give thanks is the key to a new tomorrow. Gratitude invokes miracles!

Price: $20.99

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