The Taryag Mitzvah Cards: Ten Commandments

Publisher: Israel Bookshop

See large image for samples of the cards

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
The Taryag Mitzvah Cards will help you learn the Taryag Mitzvoth in just minutes a day. Each Card highlights a single Mitzvah. It features the source, definition, laws, and a suggested reason.

A more elaborate presentation of each Mitzvah appears in the Encyclopedia of the Taryag Mitzvoth.

This special Mitzvah Card set includes all fourteen Mitzvoth derived from the Ten Commandments.

Collect all 613 Cards, and use them refularly. These convenient, pocket-sized cards are ideal for study at work, in school, on the go, or at the Shabbos table. In a short while you can become a Master of the Taryag Mitzvoth.

Price: $7.49

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