Pirkei Imahot: A Celebration of Our Mothers

Publisher: JRC Press

Reform Reform

Product Description
Pirkei Imahot describes the wisdom of mothers in a personal style. It is "human and earthy", says Adrienne Lieberman, one of its authors. "It's about the mothers and women who are important to us. While they are all personal tributes, the stories vary widely in tone, from a comical tale of a mother's clever practical joke to a somber remembrance of a brave, young woman who lost everything but her life in the Holocaust.

"The vignettes in this book are like Potato Chips or rather,great latkes -- you can't read only one. Pirkei Imahot recalls more than fifty unsung but unforgettable mothers and grandmothers who, while utterly unique, are also familiar characters to anyone who grew up in a Jewish family. Their voices speak to us of women's survival strategies, of food, holidays, home, love and loss.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Author of Deborah, Golda, and Me:
and Being Female and Jewish in America

"Both joyful and moving, this is one of the wisest and most enchanting books you will ever find on the subject of mothers and the children who love them."

Roger Simon,
Senior Washington correspondent for US News and World Report,
author, and nationally syndicated columnist.

"Jewish mothers have had a bad rap, but this collection shows Jewish mothering as it really is. Each essay in this beautifully edited collection is a gem. Strung together, they constitute a striking necklace: memories of the mothers who raised us, of grandmothers, of the persons who shaped our souls. This book might remind Portnoy that, after all his complaints, his mother was trying her best to make a mensch out of him.

Shulamit Reinharz, Ph.D.
Director of Women’s Studies and the Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University

Price: $14.95

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