
Author: Eliyahu Touger
Publisher: Sichos In English

A Milestone In A Child's Education

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Judaism immerses us in an all-encompassing web of observance. At every turning point in our lives, there are customs and rituals that introduce us to each new phase of development and empower us to experience it with depth, meaning, and joy.

The more we understand about a custom, the more powerfully it will impact us and the more it will enrich our experience. This concise, but inclusive booklet provides insight into the custom of upsherinish, the first haircut given a three year-old, explaining:

  • Its sources and motivating rationales;
  • Details of the ritual;
  • Other customs observed at this age; and
  • chinuch in a child's formative years.

Price: $4.99

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