Esther's Plea - Kosvuni Ledoros

Author: Nachman Cohen
Publisher: Torah Lishmah Institute

Understanding the Midrashic Disputes of R' Yehoshua and R' Elazar of Modi'in

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Queen Esther asked the Rabbus to canonize Megillat Esther. R' Eliezer of Modi'in, uncle of Bar Kokhba, claimed that her wish had been granted. R' Yehoshua, who was given permission by Emporer Hadrian to build the Third Temple, disagreed/ What led these Rabbis to rethink a decision resolved 400 years before?

To answer this question, this sefer explores the differing outlooks these Rabbis had toward history, kabbalah, zealotry, the ancient Israelites, faith, the work ethic, and political activism. Their tribulations give historical perspective to some of the most vexing problems of our era.

Price: $13.50

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