"A first-class, actually world-class, volume."--David Noel Freedman, Editor, Anchor Bible Dictionary

"The goal is to entice people into reading the Bible."--Gustav Niebuhr, The New York Times ">
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The Haftarah Commentary 
Author: W. Gunther Plaut & S. David Sperling
Publisher: URJ Press

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Price: $50.00

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Product Description
Commentary by W. Gunther Plaut with a new translation of the Hebrew text by Chaim Stern. With the assistance of Philip D. Stern, S. David Sperling: Consulting Editor The Haftarah Commentary is a comprehensive new translation of the weekly selections from the Prophets and Writings, complete with meticulously cantillated Hebrew text, commentary and translations, essays, gleanings from sources modern and ancient, notes, glossary, bibliography, and additional selections for use as alternatives to the traditional haftarot. To insure the accuracy and accessibility of the new volume, consulting editor S. David Sperling, a professor of Hebrew at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, reviewed the entire text and commentary.

Look what they're saying about The Haftarah Commentary:

"Eminently useful."--Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA

"A first-class, actually world-class, volume."--David Noel Freedman, Editor, Anchor Bible Dictionary

"The goal is to entice people into reading the Bible."--Gustav Niebuhr, The New York Times  

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