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Home > Books > History
Author: Zvi Alexander
Publisher: Gefen Publishing

Israel's Covert Efforts to Secure Oil Supplies

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Product Description
Zvi Alexander was a member of a small group that established the oil industry in Israel, providing the State with this vital fluid, and searching for oil in Israel and other countries. 'Oil', Alexander's personal story, is also the story of the Israeli oil industry; how Alexander was the first to bring to Israel non-Jewish oil businessmen from the USA; how these businessmen, along with Israel's 'National Oil Company' under Alexander's management, funded and executed oil drilling in Israel; and how Alexander's activities brought 'Signal', an international oil company based in the USA, to invest a large amount of money in Israel's 'National Oil Company', despite the Arab embargo. After the Yom Kippur War, Alexander sold the company for $16.5 million.

16 Full color pages 

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