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Home > Books > Law, Halacha
Hakirah - Flatbush Journal Of Jewish Law #6 
Volume #6 - Summer 2008

Orthodox Orthodox

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Product Description
TALMUD TORAH: Is there a Disconnect between Torah Learning and Torah Living? Aharon Hersh Fried

Reviving Yehoshua ben Gamla's Vision for Torah Education Aaron Levine JEWISH THOUGHT: The Jewish Enlightenment Heshey Zelcer Avodah Zarah as Falsehood - Denial of Reality and Rejection of Science David Guttmann Integrating the Rational and the Mystical: The Insights and Methods of Three Hassidic Rebbeim Ronald Pies

JEWISH LAW: Bircas HaChamah and Calendar Mathematics: Precision, Simplicity and Conflicts Appendix Sheldon Epstein, Bernard Dickman and Yonah Wilamowsky

MIDRASH: Messianic Wonders and Skeptical Rationalists (THE COMPLETE ARTICLE) Natan Slifkin Avraham and Sarah in Provence Asher Benzion Buchman

COMMUNITY: Technology in the Service of the First Mitzvah Gideon Weitzman

מחשבה על הכרזת המולד בבתי הכנסת יעקב לוינגר

הלכה תלתא אפטרתא דפורענותא: ביאור חדש בשיטתו של הרמב"ם נתן דוד רבינוביץ  

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